With the help of my sneaky sibling who gave him the use of her garage, he created a gorgeous and incredibly functional table that will be the absolute perfect addition to our backyard - and will make spring planting and seasonal re-potting so much easier and neater.
I can't believe I bought all his trickery and deception. I can't believe he managed to keep this a secret for so long. I can't believe he did such an amazing job with the table.
And I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone who loves me this much.
April 14, 2009
"When can I keep you?", he used to ask me when we were dating. Now. Forever. Forever and ever.
Now, where can i see a picture of this table? My dh keeps telling me he will make me one, once i clean up my section of the basement. Ha.
So sweet. Great table, too!
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