I'll make up for lost motif-ing soon, but in the meantime I'm so happy I was able to spend time with people who mean so much to me.
So for Grapey1969 and her peeps, a purple circle - and another plea to please move to Canada!
April 8, 2009
This is also for Rachel, who wanted more jewel tones. You're welcome!
I am LOVING your crochet odyssey:) Each morning I make your site the first one I check. I am fascinated with these small creations that you make.....I smile each day:) Thank you for sharing your journey with me, I have cried with you and prayed for you from afar.....I hope the weather in Canada will soon be Warm and Sunny (W & S motifs perhaps..LOL). Have a great weekend.....and thanks for a smile a day.....you make a difference in my life daily:) Take care. Dena
I hope you had a fabulous time and gave them all GIGANTIC hugs for me!
I love this never-ending circle of purple. ;)
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