It's just a plain old granny square. Nothing special, except for the yarn (which you can't feel, so you'll just have to trust me).
Sadly, I'm not even sure they make this yarn any longer. It's Patons Be Mine and I haven't seen it in stores in ages.
If you can get your hands on some, grab it. And don't let go!
March 2, 2009
It's a bit of a pain in the ass to work with, but ooh, it's so worth it!
I love that stuff! Found some at Big Lots a while back and bought a whole bunch to make a knitted blanket. It is going very slowly. lol!
Can I say how much I enjoy your squares? I click over here first thing every day just to see what you've been up to. Thanks!
I *love* paton's be mine. Is is discontinued? because it's so cushy, that would be just too bad.
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