So for you, my three followers (and for everyone who has commented since I started this Journey in January), a Sow Thistle Square - and my sincere thanks for caring enough to keep checking in to see what happens next.
March 30, 2009
Wait until you see tomorrow's episode!
Hey there! I'm your newest follower with the little yellow hut. Ha ha! I love checking in to see what you've made each day. Such lovely little creations! You do nice work. :O)
I have no idea what it means to be a follower, but since it seems to make you happy, I'll be #4. Not sure what that says about me...or you. :o)
I just joined as a follower too, but I've been here from the beginning. I check in daily to see each lovely new creation.
Love your work, but you already knew that ;)
Well, you are on my feed reader - and Bloglines says you have 5 subscribers. So that's eight. And, PS, my toddler likes looking at the "flowers" as he calls them as much as I do. :)
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