And yeah, more that just crochet holes. Punny, that.
I've tried to hook one motif per day. I really, really have. That was my grand plan all those many months ago. And I think I've done pretty well, all things considered. Work, illness, family obligations, plain old bad days - given all those variables, I've done pretty well if I do say so myself.
The last time I checked, I was about 8 or 10 motifs behind.
But the thing is, I'm not sure I'll be able to catch up. As the holidays bear down upon me complete with their own contractual obligations - including some Christmas hooking - it just might not be possible for me to actually catch up.
But I think that's okay.
As it says in the header, it's the journey, not the destination. And sometimes the journey isn't as easy as you'd planned.
I happen know that in spades.
But still, I keep going. Holes and all.
November 24 & 25, 2009
Another dishcloth. I'm addicted to cotton.
Now, it dawned on me as this was taking shape that it totally does NOT fit into the whole "motif" theme. It's more of an object than a square. You could not make an afghan out of a string of these crocheted Christmas lights.
The problem is, in addition to this pattern, I'd also printed out had a pattern for a Christmas light dishcloth - and that's what I thought I was making. I was watching Glee whilst hooking, and it didn't sink in until I was too far into the project to turn back that I was using the wrong pattern.
I blame TV.
The end.